learn industry

true stories

person-centred care at Vilente.

Care that you would give to your own family  

Good care can only be provided if it’s centred around people, not a system. That is at the core of Planetree, a care vision Vilente embraced back in 2012.  

Unique learning experience  

For Vilente, person-centred care is not just a beautiful ideal, but something for everyday practice.   

But how do you include every employee in this? How do you make this concrete? That requires a unique learning experience.    

Your set-up was very quickly close to the experience of our employees. Your approach is pragmatic, professional and personal.

Eelke Berendsen (learning & development consultant)

Personal stories 

In our concept, person-centred care is made personal. What does it mean for your client, for the family, and for your colleagues? You experience the true stories up close. You are included in the choices your colleagues make every day. And so, they become your choices too! 

Surprising scenarios 

Unforgettable stories that surprise you, and as a participant you want to be taken seriously. That’s why we don’t choose predictable scenarios. Use your work experience and your heart for healthcare to solve the dilemmas yourself. What would you do? 

Could this concept work for your company? Get in touch and we will be happy to brainstorm about your e-learning needs.